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Article: A Step by Step Guide on How To Clean Earring Holes

A Step by Step Guide on How To Clean Earring Holes

A Step by Step Guide on How To Clean Earring Holes

Whether you already wear earrings or you're thinking about getting your ears first for the first time, knowing how to clean the holes is essential. Cleaning your piercings and the jewelry that goes in them can allow you to show off your earrings and keep them sanitary.

Today, let's find out the steps to clean an ear piercing and everything you need to know about earring care. Then, we'll show you some of our favorite earrings to help expand your collection. 

Why Should You Clean Your Ear Piercings?

There are some items of apparel that can feel easy to neglect. For example, how often do you remember to clean and sanitize your shoes? How often do you wash the hats you wear?

Jewelry is one of those everyday items that you might forget about if you’re not careful. Cleaning your jewelry allows it to shine with excellence, and washing your ear piercings can ensure that they remain uninfected for comfortable earring wear. 

What To Do Before Piercing Your Ears

Are you considering getting a piercing soon? If you've never gotten a piercing before, there are several tips to keep in mind that can help you make the most of your experience and treat your ears right.

Find Out if the Piercer Is the Real Deal

One essential thing you can do before making your piercing appointment is to research piercing shops. You'll want to go to a piercer who is a licensed professional piercer rather than someone amateur. Additionally, consider if you want them to use a piercing gun or needle

If you've never been to a specific piercing location before, it's also a good idea to find information about their safety and cleanliness precautions. Doing this can help you have a safe, hygienic experience. 

While researching shops, you may want to check out reviews online to learn what others have had to say about their piercing experiences. Seeing lots of good reviews about the piercer you're considering is likely a sign that you're good to make the appointment. 

Evaluate What Kind of Piercing You Want

Another step to make before walking into a piercing shop is to decide what type of piercing you want. If you want a lobe piercing, the process will likely be the most simple. However, it's essential to know what type of piercing you plan to get ahead of time so you can evaluate the pain level and the specific care that goes along with that piercing.

Let's look at several types of piercings to learn each type's benefits and healing expectations. 


The process is largely straightforward when you want to get your earlobe pierced. Getting your lobe pierced can allow you to wear highly-visible earrings, whether you select studs or drop earrings. The pain from the piercing may be minimal and subside relatively quickly.


If you want to get your tragus pierced, you might want to note that this piercing typically takes a while to heal. Some widespread speculations claim getting this piercing can help appetite control or ease aggressive, emotional tendencies. 

The truth is that the tragus is connected to many parts of your body that signal hunger, thirst, and other neurological functions. Getting it pierced may benefit you in one of these areas, or it might just look like a really cool piercing.


Your helix is a piece of cartilage in the top corner of your ear. Some say it is linked to parts of your brain that signal sleeping function and that getting this piercing can relieve insomnia and allergies. It takes two to four months to heal, so taking care of it during the process is essential. 


Getting your daith pierced is a badass move. This inner piece of your ear is an excellent place for a hoop piercing, but keep in mind that it takes an incredibly long time to heal. While some piercings only take a few weeks to heal, this piercing can take up to nine months.

Some anecdotal evidence claims that getting your daith pierced can ease anxiety, so it might be worth it to endure the healing process. Whether that's true or not, getting your daith pierced is a unique choice that complements your other piercings. 


Sometimes, the method used to pierce your ear can affect the healing time. For example, if you get your conch pierced with a piercing gun, it may take up to a year to heal. On the other hand, if your piercer uses a needle, it may only need six to nine months to heal.

5 Steps for Cleaning Your Ear Piercing

Once you've pierced your ear, you might think you've already done the most challenging part. In reality, the hardest part may be remembering to clean your ear regularly so that it heals well.

Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your piercings:

Prepare Your Cleaning Solution

If you have a pre-bought cleaning solution, you won't have to prepare much. Sometimes, people choose to make their own saline rinse, which requires some preparation.

Wash Your Hands

Next, wash your hands. Since you'll be touching your piercing to clean it, you'll want your hands to be free from bacteria that could undermine the cleaning process. Dry your hands with a clean, dry towel before proceeding to the next step.

Apply Cleaning Solution

Follow the instructions on your chosen ear piercing cleaning solution to know how much to apply to your ear and if it needs to sit. Most cleaning solutions are made of saline, which helps clear harmful bacteria from your ear.

Rinse Your Earring Hole

Next, you'll want to rinse the cleaning solution off your ears with clean water. Rinsing the soap or solution can help it keep from getting irritated and allow it to continue to heal properly.

Dry Your Ears With a Clean, Dry Towel or Paper Towel

After washing and rinsing your ears, you'll want to dry them gently. Drying them with a washcloth may cause them to snag or pull on your piercing, so one alternate idea is to dry your ears with a paper towel. Regardless of what you use to dry your ears, consider patting them down gently rather than forcefully wiping them dry.

How To Keep Piercings Clean

One of the best things you can do for yourself after getting your ears pierced and adopting a cleaning routine is to keep them free from bacteria. To do this, try to avoid touching your ears often. 

To best care for your ear, you may also want to avoid harsh or scented soaps, as well as cleaning cloths that could get stuck on your earring and make it painful to clean your earring holes

How To Know When a Piercing Is Infected

One of the downsides of pierced ears is dealing with infections that may come up. However, quickly recognizing an infection in your earring hole can allow you to treat it before it gets worse. 

If you suspect your ear piercing might be infected, here's a quick list of symptoms you might encounter:

  • Redness
  • Swollen skin
  • Itchiness
  • Burning
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Abnormal growth
  • Discharge

How To Make the Most of Your Ear Piercing

After getting a piercing, the professional who pierced your ears will let you know how long you should leave in your initial studs. In many cases, piercers suggest six weeks so your ear can heal.

Once your ear heals and you've waited the proper amount of time, you can start to experiment with your style. Try drop earrings or studs, pairing them with the rest of your jewelry to find the pieces that work best with your drip. 

Five Earrings To Add to Your Collection

We've covered the basics of ear care and how to prepare for a piercing. Once your piercing has healed and you've developed a regular cleaning routine, you can branch out to add new styles of earrings to your jewelry stash.

Here are our favorite CRAFTD earrings you can add to your jewelry to level up your style:

  1. The CRAFTD Wing Earring: This piece is ideal for the person who wants to stand out from the crowd. Whether you select gold or silver, this earring adds a unique quality to your favorite hoodies and t-shirt fits. 

  2. The CRAFTD Rose Earring: It's all about self-expression. Sometimes, showing your passionate side is the best move, and a rose is a perfect way to do it.

  3. The CRAFTD Dagger Earring: Want to turn heads with your style? This piece of jewelry makes the perfect accent for your streetwear. It takes "looking sharp" to the next level.

  4. The CRAFTD Crucifix Earring: Display your faith or pay homage to a well-loved symbol in hip-hop culture with this earring. It's a win every time. 

  5. The CRAFTD Compass Earring: Sometimes, a stud earring is the best fit for the occasion and your clothing. Wear this piece to embody individualism and purpose. 

Step Out in Confidence With Clean Earrings 

You owe it to yourself to take care of every detail. Cleaning your earrings is one small step that can allow you to keep your piercings sanitary and your jewelry looking fresh. 

When you need eye-catching jewelry to upgrade your fits, we've got you covered. You can wear CRAFTD earrings without worrying whether they will lose their quality or appeal.



How to Clean an Ear Piercing: Top 10 Tips for Proper Care | Healthline

Sea Salt Soak: How It Helps Clean Piercings | Healthline

Body Piercings: Cleaning and Healing | University Health Services | Berkeley University

Piercing Guns Vs. Needles: Experts Explain The Pros & Cons Of Each | Bustle

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